Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie Termenii si Conditiile, intrucat acestea guverneaza felul in care folositi site-ul www.ingridvlasovshop.com si produsele oferite de acesta. Toate comenzile plasate pe acest site se supun exclusiv Termenilor si Conditiilor stipulate aici.


www.ingridvlasovshop.com – este proprietatea SC Caravabi Helena SRL, cod inregistrare fiscala 43938108, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului sub nr. J40/4886/2021


Toate drepturile asupra imaginilor, textului, layout-ului si al intregului continut al site-ului www.ingridvlasovshop.com sunt proprietatea exclusiva a SC Caravabi Helena SRL, copierea, reproducerea, distribuirea neautorizata fiind interzisa.


Ce oferim
Produsele comercializate pe www.ingridvlasovshop.com sunt unicate, fiind personalizate pentru fiecare client in parte. Acestea pot fi vizionate si achizitionate online.


Cum cumparati
Pentru a putea cumpara un produs este necesar sa va creati un cont de client. In crearea contului veti alege un username si o parola, datele fiind inregistrate in sistemul nostru pentru vizite viitoare pe ingridvlasovshop.com.
Alegeti produsul, marimea potrivita si dupa finalizarea comenzii, ne puteti trimite un email in care sa ne specificati personalizarea dorita, ce difera in functie de articol. Regasiti toate detaliile necesare in pagina de produs.

Veti primi ulterior un email de confirmare pentru personalizarea specificata.



Oferim doua metode de plata:

1.Cash la livrare(ramburs) 

2.Plata cu cardul

Toate preturile sunt in EUR / RON si includ TVA.

Nota: persoanele sub 18 ani vor putea achizitiona produse pe www.ingridvlasovshop.com numai cu acordul parintilor/tutorelui.




Livrarea este gratuita pentru intreg teritoriul Romaniei, prin FanCourier.

Odata ce comanda dvs. este acceptata veti primi un email de confirmare.

Pentru toate produsele, timpul de livrare este de maxim 5 zile lucratoare, cu exceptia cazurilor speciale, care vor fi mentionate.




Restituire suma - IMPORTANT

       Atentie! Prezentul website - www.ingridvlasovshop.com, comercializeaza exclusiv  produse personalizate, fiind astfel exceptate de la retur, conform OUG 34/2014, art.16, Exceptari de la dreptul de retragere - Sunt exceptate de la dreptul de retragere prevazut la art. 9-15 in ceea ce priveste contractele la distanta si contractele in afara spatiilor comerciale urmatoarele:
   pct. "c) furnizarea de produse confectionate dupa specificatiile prezentate de consumator sau personalizate in mod clar;"
       Asadar, prin bifarea campului "Sunt de acord cu Termeni si Conditii" se considera ca ati luat la cunostinta si sunteti de acord cu conditiile mentionate anterior : nu veti putea returna produsul achizitionat si nu veti putea cere restituirea sumei platite.


Utilizați www.ingridvlasovshop.com pe propria responsabilitate. Nici SC Caravabi Helena SRL, nici terții implicați în crearea, producerea sau livrarea site-ului nu sunt responsabili pentru daunele directe, indirecte, punitive, incidentale, speciale, logice sau alte daune legate de utilizarea acestui site sau a conținutului sau.


Intrebari si solicitare informatii

Puteti contacta departamentul Relatii Clienti pentru orice intrebari si informatii.
e-mail: info@ingridvlasovshop.com



Legislație aplicabilă

Termenii si Conditiile mentionate aici și utilizarea acestui site sunt guvernate de legile din România.







Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully, as they govern how you use www.ingridvlasovshop.com and the products it offers. All orders placed on this site are subject exclusively to the Terms and Conditions set forth herein.



www.ingridvlasovshop.com - is the property of SC Caravabi Helena SRL, fiscal registration code 43938108, registered at the Trade Register under no. J40 / 4886/2021



All rights over the images, text, layout and entire content of the site www.ingridvlasovshop.com are the exclusive property of SC Caravabi Helena SRL, copying, reproduction, unauthorized distribution being prohibited.


What we offer

The products sold on www.ingridvlasovshop.com are unique, being customized for each client. These can be viewed and purchased online.


How to buy

In order to be able to buy a product, it is necessary to create a customer account. In creating the account you will choose a username and a password, the data being registered in our system for future visits on ingridvlasovshop.com.

Choose the product, the right size and after completing the order, you can send us an email specifying the desired customization, which differs depending on the item. Find all the necessary details on the product page.

You will then receive a confirmation email for the specified customization.



We offer two payment methods:

1. Cash on delivery (refund) 

2. Payment by card

All prices are in EUR / RON and include VAT.

Note: people under 18 years of age will be able to purchase products on www.ingridvlasovshop.com only with the consent of the parents / guardian.



Delivery is free for the entire territory of Romania, through FanCourier.

Once your order is accepted you will receive a confirmation email.

For all products, the delivery time is a maximum of 5 working days, except for special cases, which will be mentioned.



Refund - Important

       Please read this carefuly:
       This website - www.ingridvlasovshop.com, sells exclusively personalized products, being thus exempted from return, according to GEO 34/2014, art. 16, Exemptions from the right of withdrawal - Products/goods/services exempted from the right of withdrawal provided in art. 9-15 regarding the following distance contracts and off-premises contracts:

   point "c) the supply of products made to the specifications presented by the consumer or clearly customized;"

       Therefore, by checking the field "I agree with the Terms and Conditions" it is considered that you have read and agree with the conditions mentioned above: you will not be able to return the purchased product and you will not be able to request a refund of the amount paid.



Use www.ingridvlasovshop.com at your own risk. Neither SC Caravabi Helena SRL nor third parties involved in the creation, production or delivery of the site are liable for direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, logical or other damages related to the use of this site or its content.


Information request

You can contact the Customer Relations department for any questions and information.

e-mail: info@ingridvlasovshop.com, or by accessing the form here: .........


Applicable law

The Terms and Conditions mentioned here and the use of this site are governed by the laws of Romania.